Back in 2018, before the global epidemic caused a halt or slowdown of many large-scale community transforming projects, a feasibility study was conducted for the rehabilitation of the iconic trestle that stretches across the Schuylkill River, connecting Spring City and Royersford, Pennsylvania. Located just upriver from Bridge Street, the project received approval in March of 2018, and the Borough of Royersford initiated efforts to raise funds and secure grants for engineering, design and construction.

Now, after four years of preparation, we are witnessing tangible progress taking shape. Each week brings marked improvements to the structure and the riverfront, especially on the Royersford side where a multi-modal recreation path leads to the entrance of the trestle. Though we eagerly anticipate the day when recreational pedestrians, runners, and cyclists can enjoy the picturesque and restored trestle, for now, we find contentment in observing the ongoing progress.